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de Saram in Concert CD Cover
de Saram in Concert vol.2

de Saram in Concert CD Cover
de Saram in Concert vol.I

Crumb Dream  Sequence, Cello Sonata, Vox Balaenae
Dream Sequence
Cello Sonat
Vox Balaenae

Prokofiev Cello Concerto, Sonata, Ballade
Cello Works

Bach Suite No. VI, Kodaly Solo Sonata
Bach, Kodaly


English Music for Oboe
English Music for Oboe

Toshio Hosokawa CD
Toshio Hosokawa

Christian Wolff CD
Christian Wolff

Harmonic Labyrinth CD Cover
Harmonic Labyrinth

Berio Complete Sequenzas CD Cover
Complete Sequenzas

Interpretenportrait CD Cover

Watersmeet CD Cover

Prabhanda And Ragamalas CD Cover

Innovative Music Meeting CD Cover
The Innovative
Music Meeting

Britten Cello Suitesg CD Cover
Britten Cello Suites

Xenakis Epicycless CD Cover
Xenakis Epicycles

Pousseur CD Cover
Henri Pousseur

Kagel CD Cover
Mauricio Kagel

Feldman CD Cover
Morton Feldman

Dillon CD Cover
James Dillon
Rohan de Saram
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27 records
  △   Date   ▽   
Monday26 Dec 1955UK, ITA TV; Rohan and other artists. 
0 records
Programme as in event title

Tuesday20 Dec 1955UK, concert at the home of Sir Oswald Durrell; one of the Bach cello suites. 
1 record
20 December 1955: UK, concert at the home of Sir Oswald Durrell; one of the Bach cello suites.
JS Bach (website)Cello Suite - unknown

Thursday15 Dec 1955UK, London, Harriet Cohem Award. Harriet Cohen wrote a letter to the High Commissioner of Ceylon in London informing him that Rohan had been awarded the Harriet Cohen Award for 1956 for “outstanding artistry in performance”. The award ceremony would be later in 1956. 
0 records
Programme as in event title

Thursday01 Dec 1955UK, London, Jelly d Aranyi presented Rohan with a Tourte bow as a gift. 
0 records
Programme as in event title

Tuesday15 Nov 1955UK, London, at the home of Adila Fachiri, sister of the violinist Jelly d'Aranyi 
2 records
15 November 1955: UK, London, at the home of Adila Fachiri, sister of the violinist Jelly d'Aranyi
JS Bach (website)Cello Suite no. 2
Johannes Brahms (website)Piano Trio no. 2 in C major op 87
  • Adila Fachiri (violin)
  • Rainer von Zastrow (piano)

    Friday11 Nov 1955UK, London; Finals of Royal Overseas League (ROSL) Commonwealth Award. Television programme, London, featuring the six ROSL finalists performing for four minutes each 
    2 records
    11 November 1955: UK, London; Finals of Royal Overseas League (ROSL) Commonwealth Award. Television programme, London, featuring the six ROSL finalists performing for four minutes each
    Max BruchKol Nidrei Op. 47
    Gaspar Cassadó (website)Requiebros

    Thursday10 Nov 1955UK, London, Finals of Royal Overseas League (ROSL) Commonwealth Award, London, in the presence of Princess Marie Louise Rohan and five other participants. Rohan was presented with the ROSL Commonwealth Award at the event by Herbert Howells. 
    2 records
    10 November 1955: UK, London, Finals of Royal Overseas League (ROSL) Commonwealth Award, London, in the presence of Princess Marie Louise Rohan and five other participants. Rohan was presented with the ROSL Commonwealth Award at the event by Herbert Howells.
    Max BruchKol Nidrei arr. for cello and ensemble by Erick Neckheim
    Gaspar Cassadó (website)Requiebros

    Thursday27 Oct 1955UK, London, Festival of Commonwealth Youth, Overseas House, Park Place, St James’s 
    5 records
    27 October 1955: UK, London, Festival of Commonwealth Youth, Overseas House, Park Place, St James’s
    Camille Saint-Saens (website)Allegro Appassionato
    Gabriel Fauré (website)Après un Rêve, transcribed Casals
    Gaspar Cassadó (website)Requiebros
    Joseph Haydn (website)Sonata in C major tanscribed from violin by Piatti
    Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (website)The Flight of the Bumblebee
  • Oswald Russell (piano)

    Thursday15 Sep 1955Italy, Siena. A letter from Count Chigi saying that Rohan had been awarded the special prize (un Premio speciale) to the best pupil from the violin and cello courses combined. 
    0 records
    Programme as in event title

    Saturday10 Sep 1955Italy, Siena, In the hall of the Palazzo Chigi Saracini, Accademia Musicale Chigiana 
    1 record
    10 September 1955: Italy, Siena, In the hall of the Palazzo Chigi Saracini, Accademia Musicale Chigiana
    Robert Schumann (website)Concerto (piano reduction)
  • Maria Italia Biagi (piano)

    Thursday01 Sep 1955UK Rohan's concerto repertoire now included:
    Joseph Haydn: Cello Concerto in D major
    Luigi Boccherini: Cello Concerto in B flat
    Robert Schumann: Cello Concerto in A minor Op.129
    Camille Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto in A minor
    Aram Khachaturian: Cello Concerto
    Antonin Dvořák: Cello Concerto in B minor
    Edouard Lalo: Cello Concerto in D minor
    Edward Elgar: Cello Concerto in E minor

    Other works with orchestra:
    Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme
    Max Bruch: Kol Nidrei
    Ottorino Repsighi: Adagio con Variazione
    Rohan's Cello Sonata repertoire now included:
    Joseph Haydn: Sonata in C major (transcribed for cello and piano from violin and piano)
    Ludwig van Beethoven: Cello Sonatas No. 1 in F major and No. 3 in A major
    Johannes Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor
    Edvard Grieg: Cello Sonata in A minor
    Paul Hindemith: Sonata for solo cello

    also other smaller works by Fauré, Granados, Ravel and Cassadó

    J.S. Bach: Cello Suite No. I in G major
    J.S. Bach: Cello Suite No. 2 in D minor
    J.S. Bach: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major
    J.S. Bach: Cello Suite No. 6 in D major

    He was now working on:
    Johannes Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 2 in F major
    0 records
    Programme as in event title

    Saturday20 Aug 1955Italy, Siena, Accademia Musicale Chigiana, in the presence of the Queen of Belgium, friend of Count Chigi Robert Schumann: Cello Concerto in A minor op.129 (rendition for cello and piano) 
    1 record
    20 August 1955: Italy, Siena, Accademia Musicale Chigiana, in the presence of the Queen of Belgium, friend of Count Chigi Robert Schumann: Cello Concerto in A minor op.129 (rendition for cello and piano)
    Robert Schumann (website)Concerto (piano reduction)

    Wednesday13 Jul 1955Italy, concert at the home of Hans-Joachim Staude.  
    3 records
    13 July 1955: Italy, concert at the home of Hans-Joachim Staude.
    Francois Couperin (website)Pièces en Concert
    Johannes Brahms (website)Sonata no. 1 in E minor Op. 38
    UnknownVarious Duos
  • Rainer von Zastrow (piano)

    Saturday04 Jun 1955Italy, travel back to Florence. Lessons with Cassadó in Florence, building up repertoire including Beethoven's cello sonata no.3 in C major Op.69 and Dvořák's cello concerto in B minor. 
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    Friday03 Jun 1955France, Paris at the home of Vera Moore 
    4 records
    03 June 1955: France, Paris at the home of Vera Moore
    Paul Hindemith (website)Sonata
    Joseph Haydn (website)Sonata in C major tanscribed from violin by Piatti
    Johannes Brahms (website)Sonata no. 1 in E minor Op. 38
    UnknownVarious Duos
  • Vera Moore (piano)

    Thursday02 Jun 1955France, Paris. Rohan met the cellist Maurice Maréchal. 
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    Wednesday01 Jun 1955France, Paris. Rohan met Nadia Boulanger, teacher of composition in Paris. 
    0 records
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    Thursday26 May 1955France, Paris, concert at the Venue Rochefoucauld; with piano 
    2 records
    26 May 1955: France, Paris, concert at the Venue Rochefoucauld; with piano
    Joseph Haydn (website)Concerto in C major
    Rohan de Saram (website)Kandyan Drumming

    Thursday05 May 1955France, Paris, École Margeurite Long-Jacques Thibaud. Rohan and his mother were in Paris for more lessons with Cassadó, studying among other pieces Aram Kachaturian's Cello Concerto 
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    Monday02 May 1955UK, BBC TV Children's Television. No programme details except: “Rohan de Saram plays music for the cello”. 
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    Tuesday26 Apr 1955UK, London, at the home of Adila Fachiri, sister of the violinist Jelly d'Aranyi. Rohan played for Sir Adrian Boult at the home of Adila.  
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    Programme as in event title

    Monday11 Apr 1955UK, London, concert at the house of the sculptor Jacob Epstein 
    1 record
    11 April 1955: UK, London, concert at the house of the sculptor Jacob Epstein
    Rohan de Saram (website)Kandyan Drumming

    Sunday10 Apr 1955UK, Canterbury. No programme details but Sir Malcolm Sargent was in the audience and a future concert with him was discussed as a result. 
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    Programme as in event title

    Monday04 Apr 1955UK, concert at the home home of Mr. Corea, the Ceylon Ambassador to UK in London Aram Khachaturian: Cello Concerto (piano reduction) 
    1 record
    04 April 1955: UK, concert at the home home of Mr. Corea, the Ceylon Ambassador to UK in London Aram Khachaturian: Cello Concerto (piano reduction)
    Aram Khachaturian (website)Concerto

    Saturday19 Mar 1955UK, London, Royal Festival Hall; Ernest Read Orchestral Concerts for Children 
    1 record
    19 March 1955: UK, London, Royal Festival Hall; Ernest Read Orchestral Concerts for Children
    Joseph Haydn (website)Concerto in D major
  • London Symphony Orchestra, Earnest Read (conductor)

    Monday07 Feb 1955Sri Lanka, Colombo, St Peter’s College Hall; in the presence of the Governor General of Ceylon 
    3 records
    07 February 1955: Sri Lanka, Colombo, St Peter’s College Hall; in the presence of the Governor General of Ceylon
    Aram Khachaturian (website)Concerto (piano reduction)
    Joseph Haydn (website)Sonata in C major tanscribed from violin by Piatti
    Johannes Brahms (website)Sonata no. 1 in E minor Op. 38
  • Irene Vanderwall (piano)

    Monday03 Jan 1955UK, A letter to the High Commissioner of Ceylon in London from the Harriet Cohen International Music Awards. Founder President: Sir Arnold Bax Rohan, “the young cellist”, received a copy of a letter from Harriet Cohen informing him that he has been awarded the Harriet Cohen International Music Award for 1956 “....for outstanding artistry in performance” 
    0 records
    Programme as in event title

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